
our commissions in the mining sector ad the lorem ipsum dooea ek

  • Step 01 - Information
  • Step 02 - Knowledge
  • Step 03 - Strategy
  • Step 04 - Implementation
  • Step 05 - Continuous Improvement
  • Step 05 - Continuous Improvement

    As business, our prime goal is to be the best at what we do.

    Our quest to achieve this objective is driven by the management of DaovTech Design Group who are sincerely committed to “Continuous Improvement” as we aspire towards excellence. 

    On completion of all commissions, we undertake a full review of service delivery as a team.

    The sole purpose of the review is to identifying areas for improvement.

    “Client Questionnaires” are also used to obtain constructive feedback from our Clients on our performance.

    Lessons learnt are then logged and implemented on subsequent commissions.


    As part of our business strategy to diversify, DaovTech Design Group working in collaboration with our foreign partners retails a variety of Engineering Equipment particularly in the area of Surveying. Please refer to our products shop.


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    Your feedback and or comments are important to us. Please fill out the form below and we will revert as quiclky as possible.

    +233 (0) 302 258168